Black Praying/Prayer Hands

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich,” he has a chapter called “The MasterMind principle,” in which he teaches how successful people select persons who have achieved the object of their desire as someone to emulate, someone to follow, to get your advice, to learn from.

Wherever two or more minds come together, a higher mind is created, greater than on your own, says Hill. This mind may be harmonious, in which case it can truly be called a mastermind.

In any great endeavor you wish to succeed in, it is beneficial to hook up with others of like mind and purpose. The pooling of your individual resources is very valuable.

An example of a MasterMind is an effective marriage. The woman can often stimulate and encourage her husband to achievements that he would not normally be capable of, and many women have succeeded through the support and understanding of her husband. Without the pairing, each would have achieved far less.

Many of the greatest minds of the human race freely admit they did not originate the ideas and creations that made them world famous. Rather, it was like tuning into a cosmic radio station, and gaining the inspiration direct from the mind of God. Scripture reminds us in the gospel of Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them, it is like a third eye.”

The MasterMind principle is therefore like setting up an extremely powerful receiving station — a huge radio telescope tuned to the depths of the heavens, with which to receive every signal pertinent to the goal in mind.

Those who utilize this principle become great beyond even their dreams. Those who do not have a much harder time, and may never succeed at all.

Carefully select people who are likely to be in harmony with your purpose. The importance of harmony in the group cannot be stressed enough.

Hence, you must regularly review the people in the group. If a member is not in harmony with the common purpose, that person must be removed, and replaced by someone who is.

Meet with your group regularly to discuss and brainstorm ideas. Though it is not good to discuss your aspirations with all people in your life, those inside your group are your confidantes, and therefore can be trusted. Jesus had His team of 12 disciples. They worked together as a team.

Your goal must benefit every person who works on your team. No one will work for free. Give them money, recognition or assignments they enjoy. Why ask someone to do something that is not in agreement with their spirit? They will hate that assignment. How much do you really think will get done? So make wise selections, and don’t throw someone a bone, they will feel you have belittled them, and they will not be a happy camper!

My three sisters and I formed our mastermind group, and it worked well! At the time, we were in business together, we lived together as a family and met over coffee. Every day, we rode in the same car together to our office, planned the entire way and worked together for 10 years.

This principle worked, as we improved the annual Georgia Avenue Day Festival and Parade each year, to the point where we became known as “the Grant Sisters.” What began as an event with 1,000 attendees eventually increased to over 200,000 with the Caribbean Festival, a spinoff from our festival!

Don’t let your work be all about you — each member must matter. Show them love and respect. If you don’t believe me, get Hill’s book and read for yourself. You might get a big surprise!

Lyndia Grant is a speaker/writer living in the D.C. area. Visit her website,, send comments to, or call 202-518-3192. Follow her on Twitter @LyndiaGrant and on Facebook.

A seasoned radio talk show host, national newspaper columnist, and major special events manager, Lyndia is a change agent. Those who experience hearing messages by this powerhouse speaker are changed forever!

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